[root@localhost ~]# python /root/Desktop/radmap.py -a 40.8 -o -73.9 -m -75 -s 8 -w /root/Desktop/NYWeather_dec.epw -x 1024 -y 1024 --viewfile /root/Desktop/nv --radfile /root/Desktop/existing.rad --max-kWh 50 -- max-MJ 25


[radmap] v. 0.1c / 2004-05-14


Radiance based irradiation map production


by Francesco Anselmo <anselmo@dream.unipa.it>


Dipartimento di Ricerche

Energetiche ed Ambientali - Palermo - Italy


This work has been financially supported by

the European Social Fund


Ricerca Scientifica, Sviluppo Tecnologico,

Alta Formazione

Misura III.4.

Formazione Superiore e Universitaria


Location latitude: 40.8

Location longitude: -73.9

Location meridian -75.0

Output image x resolution: 1024

Output image y resolution: 1024

View file to be used: /root/Desktop/nv

.rad file to be used: /root/Desktop/existing.rad

max in kWh scale: 50

Loading EPW weather data from file /root/Desktop/NYWeather_dec.epw

Using EPW weather data ...

1966/12/1 .......iIiIIIiio........

1966/12/2 .......oooooooOo........

1966/12/3 .......CCCIIIIII........

1966/12/4 .......cCCCCCCCC........

1966/12/5 .......ioooooooo........

1966/12/6 .......ooOoiIIii........

1966/12/7 .......ooooooooo........

1966/12/8 .......iICCCCIIo........

1966/12/9 .......iIIIIIIII........

1966/12/10 .......ooooiiIIi........

1966/12/11 .......iiiIIIIII........

1966/12/12 .......cCCCCCCCC........

1966/12/13 .......ooooooooo........

1966/12/14 .......ooooooooo........

1966/12/15 .......iiIIIICCC........

1966/12/16 .......iIIIIIIio........

1966/12/17 .......iiICCCCCC........

1966/12/18 .......iiCCCCCII........

1966/12/19 .......CCCCCCIIi........

1966/12/20 .......ooooooooo........

1966/12/21 .......iIIIIoooo........

1966/12/22 .......iioIICCCC........

1966/12/23 .......CCCCCICCC........

1966/12/24 .......ooooooooo........

1966/12/25 .......oooOIIIII........

1966/12/26 .......iiIiiiiii........

1966/12/27 .......ioooooIIi........

1966/12/28 .......iIOOOoooo........

1966/12/29 .......oooIIIICC........

1966/12/30 .......iiiIiIiIIi.......

1966/12/31 .......iioIIIiioo.......


Total number of daylight weather samples :: 281

Composing the cumulative sky picture ...

Combining skies from 7 to 83 :: 0

Combining skies from 84 to 175 :: 1

Combining skies from 176 to 252 :: 2

Combining skies from 253 to 344 :: 3

Combining skies from 345 to 421 :: 4

Combining skies from 422 to 513 :: 5

Combining skies from 514 to 590 :: 6

Combining skies from 591 to 682 :: 7

Combining skies from 683 to 744 :: 8

group n. 0

group n. 1

group n. 2

group n. 3

group n. 4

group n. 5

group n. 6

group n. 7


Populating the ambient cache ...

rpict: 208000 rays, 0.00% after 0.001u 0.000s 0.001r hours on localhost.localdomain

rpict: 5863988 rays, 93.75% after 0.023u 0.000s 0.023r hours on localhost.localdomain

rpict: 5863988 rays, 100.00% after 0.023u 0.000s 0.023r hours on localhost.localdomain

Rendering picture test_0000_irrmap.pic

rpict: 208000 rays, 0.00% after 0.001u 0.000s 0.001r hours on localhost.localdomain

rpict: 4238105 rays, 33.98% after 0.017u 0.000s 0.018r hours on localhost.localdomain

rpict: 8001108 rays, 46.88% after 0.034u 0.000s 0.034r hours on localhost.localdomain

rpict: 11861645 rays, 56.25% after 0.050u 0.000s 0.051r hours on localhost.localdomain

rpict: 15121636 rays, 63.57% after 0.067u 0.000s 0.068r hours on localhost.localdomain

rpict: 18623720 rays, 70.31% after 0.084u 0.000s 0.086r hours on localhost.localdomain

rpict: 21872505 rays, 78.52% after 0.100u 0.000s 0.102r hours on localhost.localdomain

rpict: 25167988 rays, 84.67% after 0.117u 0.000s 0.119r hours on localhost.localdomain

rpict: 28505375 rays, 89.36% after 0.135u 0.000s 0.137r hours on localhost.localdomain

rpict: 31684246 rays, 94.34% after 0.152u 0.000s 0.154r hours on localhost.localdomain

rpict: 34952507 rays, 99.61% after 0.169u 0.000s 0.172r hours on localhost.localdomain

rpict: 35084678 rays, 100.00% after 0.170u 0.000s 0.172r hours on localhost.localdomain

Irradiation map saved as /root/test_0000_irrmap.pic

Removing temporary sky files ...